Monday 28 January 2013

This is the beginning!

So this is it! The beginning of my very own blog!! This is something I have been wanting to do for over a year now, but have just never found the time! I spend hours upon hours on teaching blogs and can honestly say they have changed the way I do many things in my own classroom! No, this is not going to be a teaching blog...I'm not ready to jump into that just yet! This will be my personal blog...although lets get real...I'm sure I will manage to slide a few 'teacher' things every now and again, seeing how that's what my life seems to revolve around for the most part!

One of the main reasons I am starting this blog is because apparently I don't do anything for myself! ha! Over the holiday season there were many discussions with many different people about New Years resolutions. And I cannot tell ya how many people TOLD me that my new years resolution for 2013 should be to take more time for myself! Last summer I got married to my wonderful husband, and of course leading up to our wedding was many wedding showers, parties, etc. At one of my wedding showers we were playing the game where I had to answer a question about our relationship or one of us. They already had all of D's answers, so the goal was for me to get the same answer he did! Sooooo one of the first questions was about our hobbies. They asked me what D's hobby was. My answer- Golf. His answer- Golf. Perfect! Match made in heaven we are! haha. Next question was 'What is Kelsey's hobby?' My first reaction was that I just started to laugh, because I had no idea what he could have actually said. Then kinda under my breath I said 'I don't have any hobbies, all I do is school work!' BINGO! That was EXACTLY the answer D had told them!!! "She doesn't have any hobbies, she is doing school work all of the time" HA HA. Point for us! But, also kinda sad at the same time!

  Sooooo here I am! My goal is to blog at least once a week. I will blog about things I love to do. Cook. Decorate. Craft. Shop. Eat. Spend time with my husband. My Pinterest obsession.Travel. Spend time with my wonderful family and friends. Teaching. And more! And if I bore you...well I'm terribly sorry about that...but I'm doing this for ME... not you! ;)

Oh...and I dedicate this first blog to my great friend Rachelle! She has been reminding me weekly since Jan.1 that I had made a goal to start a blog and I better get on it already! haha. Thanks darling!!!

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