Tuesday 27 August 2013

Wall Art

My little blog as been a tad neglected latly due to the 'back to school' madness! I have been busy setting up my new classroom and planning away for my new group of first graders! I can't believe summer has come and gone already!!! It was an AMAZING time!! I will blog about the last few weeks of summer soon.

But first, some wall art...

I had been looking for a few months for something to put on our 'focal' wall in our bedroom. When we painted our bedroom back in March I knew I wanted something 'new' for the wall above our bed, but I just didn't know what I wanted. So we hung the orginal picture back up, and left it alone! 

This is what it looked like...

Then one day when I was walking through the clearance section at Michaels, and these frames caught my eye...

I only paid 10 bucks for all of the frames so I was pretty happy with that deal!!

I bought some cheap gray spray paint and got to work...

I played around with the layout of the frames for a few days, and then hung them up on the wall. And I am really pleased with how it turned out!! 

I'm still trying to decide if I should add some 'decorative' items
inside the frames or not...

What do you think?!?

1 comment:

  1. I love the look Kelsey - MJ does this sort of thing at her house to. Empty frame/s give the beholder the chance to put "wherever"they want in there! Everything is really coming to together nicely! Good luck with the new little people you're about to teach! cheers, Jeanie
